Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Warrior becomes an Angel

One of the blog writers I used to read passed away the other day. Eric of "Tan Today, Tumors Tomorrow aka Melanoma Sucks" ended his years long battle against Melanoma, leaving his grieving wife Jill and their family and friends. I didn't know them, but like I said before, anytime this black beast takes a life, my heart breaks, but I also get inspired by how strong and courageous he was right up to the end. If you'd like to read more about his journey you can find his story here:

And if you can spare a prayer for his family at this horribly difficult time, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

RIP Eric. Melanoma DOES suck.


  1. I have been following your blog.''

    good luck randi

  2. Hi Randi, thank you so much. I am following you now, too. You are a warrior and an inspiring fighter. Hang in there and know you're in my prayers!!
